Saturday, July 18, 2015

How to trade (Mt4 GuideWith Picture)


I will be using Mt4 as an example.But don’t worry Almost all the feature are same.
First , Register with This Broker  or This Broker
Then create a demo account

Now to open the desired pairs for example, Go to the top left red arrow I placed and click/ You will get  the small window with pairs/click it and your desired pairs will open.
Fig:show how to open the desired chart of the pair on MT4

 To install apply the indicators on chart,You can either use the inbult indicator that broker provided with the software or u can use the custom indicater which can be downloaded from internet.
To use the inbuilt indicator goto/Insert/Indicators and click on desired indicator.
Fig:Shows how to to apply indicator on MT4

To install the custom indicator goto /file/open folder and follow the below pic and place the file as per needed.
Fig:Shows how to install new indicator on MT4
Fig:shows how to install new indicator on MT4(a)

To open the new order goto/New Order
New order window will open as like below.Click on sell by market if you want to sell and if you want to buy click on buy by market.
Fig 4: Shows how to open new order
Note: It is very important to know all the features of the software to trade comfortably so please play all the function and feature of the software on demo account.

Fig 5: Please see it yourself to understand more


  1. Nice blog... You shared valuable information on foreign exchange trading platforms and picture are very helpful. Thanks for sharing

  2. Very helpful blog post. Thanks for sharing information on foreign exchange trading platforms and I found pictures very helpful.


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