Monday, July 20, 2015

Trade forex for free.

Fig 1: Trade free

Do you believe forex can be traded without investing a penny from your pocket?
Yes it is very possible and can be made some dollar from it. I have done this before and made some money out of it. You probably heard or traded with no-deposite bonus offered by different broker. But are they allowed withdraw the profit without any special condition like you need to deposit to withdraw the profit, you need to complete certain lot to withdraw the profit etc? no right ?.
And you also heard about instaforex which is very good broker which offers different bonus for new trader who want to test their skills on live market. Instaforex gives the bonus for post and unlimited profit can be made  and withdraw it without any complication. Yes ofcourse traders must follow some rule on trading and posting on forum but it is not that hard conditions.
What you need to do is,
Register with
Put referral as portalforum
Fig:show how to put portalforum

Finish the registration process
Now register with Indian-forum
How to register with Indian-forex forum?
Goto this link Indian-forex
Register with any data you want
After that log in to the forum
Goto profile
Find the bonus for post
Put your account detail

Put your instaforex account to Indian forex forum
How much will you get?
20 cent/post
250$ /month
You can make as much as you want with that bonus which is withdrable.


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